


The {{r}} (referencing) template allows to define and invoke any kind of full or shortened references (citations as well as footnotes) in articles in a very intuitive way, utilizing an easy-to-remember and very short notation, reducing a lot of clutter from article source code, thereby making it easier to read and maintain.

{{r}} provides means for links to references to carry additional information (like pages, quotations and other commentary) in a condensed format, thereby eliminating the need for an additional article section for shortened references (and hence avoiding the problems related to that approach like the extra layer of indirection of links, the real-estate occupied for, as well as the amount of whitespace created by that section, and the often unreliable proprietary linking system with ambiguous or dangling links as well as lacking backlinks from the full citations to the shortened references). Its annotation system can be used to enrich the full citation with information given where a reference gets invoked, to bundle multiple citations into one entry, or to group sub-references under the corresponding full reference (i.e. to implement r-style shortened citations).

By utilizing the MediaWiki Extension:Cite internally (instead of establishing an independent linking system (i.e. WP:CITEREF) on top of it), {{r}} also remains fully compatible with other referencing systems and will take advantage of any future improvements of the underlying system.

It can be used with raw text definitions for the references as well as be combined with other citation templates (like CS1/CS2).


In its basic format the template provides a compact shorthand for <ref name="RefName" /> citation tags, simplifying syntax so cutting code clutter.

It can also be used to define inline and/or list-defined references (LDR), including nested footnotes inside other footnotes (up to five levels deep). Citations can be provided as raw text citations or through other citation templates (such as the suite of CS1/CS2 citation templates).

Optionally, it allows to provide and display individual page numbers (or other in-source location information) and quotations (including language information and translations) from the source alongside the invocations of a reference (that is, the link to the reference). If the page numbers given are too unspecific for the quotation, an extra page number can optionally be given for the quotation only. The page number will be shown as superscript immediately following the reference link, the other related information is available as tooltip when hovering over that superscript. Plural page parameters have special support for lists and ranges, automatically converting hyphens to endashes—the accept-this-as-written markup to override the automatic conversion is supported as well.

The template allows the definition of reference annotation, which will be collected and appended to the end of the full citation defined earlier. This can be used to accumulate extra notes (including page numbers and quotes from the invocations), allows for citations defined at different locations to be bundled and residing under a single entry, or to group sub-references under the corresponding full reference.

The template parameters can take raw text information, but are also compatible with simple MediaWiki and HTML markup allowing for the usage of links and templates in template parameters. Such markup would be automatically stripped off for tooltip display, but passed on for other purposes (annotation system).

Custom link anchors can be enabled for the reference links as well as for reference definitions and various annotation, thereby allowing to smoothly blend in with other citation systems used on the same page, or to create sophisticated linking schemes with links to individual pieces of contents and backlinks to reference links (i.e. acting as shortened references).

The template allows to define and show a context section in the article prose to indicate which specific statements in the article are supported by the reference, if this isn't already obvious from where the reference link is positioned. The section can be divided into multiple pieces and can overlap with other sections defined for other references.

Missing page numbers can be indicated similar to {{Page needed}}.

For as long as the tooltip feature isn't occupied by the template to display quotations, the template will provide a tooltip by itself explaining the truncated page / location information attached to the link.

The template is compatible with the parameter names of most other citation templates, and it works for normal citations just as well as for any kinds of groups (i.e. for footnotes, including the predefined ones).

Bidirectional support (left-to-right, right-to-left) for citations is available if the corresponding CSS definitions are activated.

The template optimizes the visual kerning in the superscript and has configurable support for line wrapping after or within superscripts (with corresponding CSS).

The template is compatible with editing features such as the pipe trick and template substituting.

(The present implementation supports multiple citations, but this functionality may be moved to a wrapper like {{rr}} in the future in order to introduce a further simplified and more powerful calling convention to the core template {{r}}. For maximum future-compatibility, use {{rr}} when using enumerated parameters (to support multiple citations in one call) or use unnamed parameters.)

For example:

Using <ref> For example, fact<ref name=Bal/><ref name=Bam/><ref name=Bar/> and fact.<ref name=Bas/><ref name=Bay/><ref name=Baz/>

Displays as: For example, fact[1][2][3] and fact.[4][5][6]

Instead using {{r}} For example, fact{{r|Bal|Bam|Bar}} and fact.{{r|Bas|Bay|Baz}}

Displays as: For example, fact[1][2][3] and fact.[4][5][6]

{{r}} and <ref> can coexist on the same page, and like <ref>, {{r}} can be used with or without list-defined references. In addition, a |page= or |p= parameter adds the functionality of {{rp}}:

Using {{r}} with
|p= parameter
For example, fact.{{r|RefName|p=22}}

Displays as: For example, fact.[7]: 22 


In-source-location parameters

The in-source-location of a source can be specified with either |page=/|p= (for a single page), with |pages=/|pp= (for plural pages), or with |location=/|loc=/|at= for other in-source-locations.

The specified page number(s) can be a single page number (287), a list of several pages (xii, 287, 292, 418) or a range of pages (287–288) or any combination thereof. Do not add "Page", "pp.", etc.—just the numbers.

Other in-source-location information can also be used for non-numeric pages, for example: "f. 29", "A7", and "back cover", etc., and can also be used for non-paginated sources, e.g., "0:35:12" for a video source.

Choose one of the template parameters above according to the type of page or in-source-location specified.

While typically only one of these three types of parameters is given, it is also possible to combine them to suit more special use cases. If both, singular and plural page parameters are given at the same time, the plural page info is assumed to be the span of the article, whereas the singular page info is considered to be the page within that span supporting the statement. The template will indicate this by framing the singular page in square brackets following the plural page info. If an in-source-location is given in addition to the page info, the template assumes it to further detail the preceding page info rather than representing some kind of stand-alone in-source location info.

Do not attempt to use multiple aliases of a parameter at the same time. Only one will be chosen and the others may be ignored without error message.

Inline invocation

Usage Display Notes
{{r|RefName}} Text.[7] Equivalent to <ref name="RefName" />.



{{r|RefName|page=[https://books.google.com/books?id=S3JHAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA15 15]}}

{{r|RefName|pp=100, 102}}

{{r|RefName|pages=100, 102}}

Text.[7]: 100 

Text.[7]: 100 

Text.[7]: 100

Text.[7]: 15

Text.[7]: 100, 102 

Text.[7]: 100, 102 

Adds a page number (or other location identifier) within the source.

Use |p= or |page= for singular pages, |pp= or |pages= for plural pages, and |at= or |loc= for other in-source-locations.

If the article cites only one location in a given source, reduce clutter by coding simply {{r|RefName}}and integrating the location into the main RefName citation.



{{r|RefName|pages=2-14&ndash;2-16}}(hyphens and endash)


{{r|RefName|pages=((2-14)), ((2-16))}}(hyphens)

{{r|RefName|pp=3, 6}}


{{r|RefName|at=Dust jacket}}

{{r|RefName|at=para. 7}}

Text.[7]: 10–14 

Text.[7]: 10–14 

Text.[7]: 2-14–2-16 

Text.[7]: 2-14–2-16 

Text.[7]: 2-14, 2-16 

Text.[7]: 3, 6 

Text.[7]: §C 

Text.[7]: Dust jacket 

Text.[7]: para. 7 

{{r|RefName|Bam|Bar}} Text.[7][2][3] Equivalent to {{r|RefName}}{{r|Bam}}{{r|Bar}}or <ref name=RefName/><ref name=Bam/><ref name=Bar/>.

Up to nine references may be "bundled" this way.




{{r |name1=RefName |page1=100 |name2=Bam |pages2=10&ndash;14 |name3=Bar |name4=Bas |at4=&sect;C}}

Text.[7]: 100 [2]: 10–14 [3][4]: §C  Equivalent to {{r|RefName|p=100}}{{r|Bam|pp=10&ndash;14}}{{r|Bar}}{{r|Bas|at=&sect;C}}.

In the example, not all references have pages; make sure that e.g. |1= matches |p1=




Text.[Notes 1]

Text.[Notes 1][Notes 2]

Text.[Notes 1]: 13 

group=, |grp=, and |g= parameters are equivalent and echo <ref group=Notes name=NtName/>.

If present, the parameter applies to all references in the template.

{{r|RefName|p=100|q=quote from the text}}

{{r|RefName|p=100|quote=quote from the text}}

{{r|RefName|p=100|quote-page=100|quote=quote from the text}}

{{r|RefName|p=100|quote-page=p|quote=quote from the text}}

{{r|RefName|p=101|q=Palabras en español|language=Spanish}}

Text.[7]: 100
Text with a foreign-language quote supporting it.[7]: 101
p= (or one of its synonyms) is present. |quote= (or |q=) underlines the superscript page number/模板:Wbrlocation identifier, signaling availability of a quote from the source, which pops up when the mouse is hovered over the dashed underlined bit. |quote-page= or |quote-pages= can be used to optionally specify a specific page or number of pages for the quote only. If this number is the same as what's defined through |p= or |pp=, the special symbolic tokens "p" and "pp" can be used instead of an actual page number. Curved quotes are disfavored by MOS:STRAIGHT.
{{r|1=RefName|2=Bam|3=Bar|4=Bas|p1=100|pp2=10&ndash;14|at4=&sect;C|q1=Quote from 100|q4=Quote from &sect;C}}

{{r|n1=RefName|n2=Bam|n3=Bar|n4=Bas|p1=100|pp2=10&ndash;14|at4=&sect;C|q1=Quote from 100|q4=Quote from &sect;C}}

Text.[7]: 100[2]: 10–14 [3][4]: §C 1= and |p1= and |q1= all match.
{{r |n=RefName2 |p=201 |r=Harold Smith (1989). ''Proper Referencing''. Atlanta Press. p. 105, 201.}}

{{r |n=RefName3 |r={{cite book |author-first=Harold |author-last=Smith |date=2020 |edition=2nd |title=Proper Referencing |publisher=Atlanta Press |pages=321, 356}} }}

More[8]: 201 [9]: 321  good[9]: 356  prose.[Notes 3] Examples of inline definitions and nested footnotes.
{{r |n=RefName4 |r=Citation A.}}

{{r |n=RefName4 |a=Citation B.}}

{{r |n=RefName5 |r=Citation C.}}

{{r |n=RefName5 |p=102 |a=Note for page 102.}}

{{r |n=RefName5 |p=342 |a=Note for page 342.}}

{{r |n=RefName5 |p=346 |qp=p |q=Quote from page 346 |a=q}}

Two[10] citations[10] bundled into one entry, or one citation[11] with accumulated[11]: 102  commentary[11]: 342 [11]: 346 from shortened references. p= or what would be shown as quote in the tooltip, the special symbolic tokens "p" and "q" can be used with |annotation= in order to avoid having to repeat this contents.
{{r |n=RefName6 |r=Citation D.}}

{{r |n=RefName6 |p=102 |a=:p. 102: Note for page 102.}}

{{r |n=RefName6 |p=342 |a=:p. 342: Note for page 342.}}

{{r |n=RefName6 |p=346 |qp=p |q=Quote from page 346 |a=q |leadin=:p.&amp;nbsp;}}

A citation[12] with accumulated[12]: 102  commentary[12]: 342 [12]: 346 using indentation in reference section and tooltip view. Indentation in annotations. It can be achieved by adding : colons. If it is using for the quote parameter |q=, it can be achieved by using |leadin=.
{{r |n=RefName7 |r=Citation E. |s=Context7}}

{{r |n=RefName7 |p=10 |q=Quote E |a=q |s=Context7}}

Context sections of the article
supported by the reference
can be defined through
{{section}} (or
other means
, see: LST). The three parts of section "Context7" in this example[13] are shown underlined for illustration purposes.[13]: 10
{{R}} will display its "context" as "dotted underline" tooltip (to be distinguished from the "dashed underline" tooltip further up) when hovering the mouse over the reference link. Multiple sections of the same name will be shown merged (without separator, hence include some delimiter like space into the sections). Note the special syntax used to define sections (with empty |begin= and |end= attributes). Keep the size of the selected sections reasonably short and do not forget to define the end of a section. When no name was specified, names are build following this scheme for context sections: "cite_sect-group-name-pagelocation" (where group, name, page (either page or pages) and location refer to the corresponding template parameters and can be empty if omitted).

References section

The ref names may be defined within a {{reflist}} (as illustrated below) or (in the more usual way) scattered throughout the article text using e.g. <ref name="RefName">Reference text</ref> or {{refn|<name=RefName|Reference text>}}.

<ref name="NtName">Note text.</ref>
<ref name="NtCam">Cam note text.</ref>

<ref name="RefName">Reference text.</ref>
<ref name="Bam">Bam reference text.</ref>
<ref name="Bar">Bar reference text.</ref>
<ref name="Bas">Bas reference text.</ref>
<ref name="Bay">Bay reference text.</ref>
<ref name="Baz">Baz reference text.</ref>

Resulting in:

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Note text.
  2. Cam note text.
  3. This example shows how to nest footnotes.[8]: 105 
  1. 1.0 1.1 Bal reference text.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Bam reference text.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Bar reference text.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Bas reference text.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Bay reference text.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Baz reference text.
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 Reference text.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Harold Smith (1989). Proper Referencing. Atlanta Press. pp. 105, 201.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Smith, Harold (2020). Proper Referencing (2nd ed.). Atlanta Press. pp. 321, 356.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Citation A. Citation B.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Citation C. Note for page 102. Note for page 342. ‌346: 模板:Trim quotes
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Citation D.
    p. 102: Note for page 102.
    p. 342: Note for page 342. ‌
    p. 346: 模板:Trim quotes
  13. 13.0 13.1 Citation E. ‌模板:Trim quotes

Alternatively, the references can be defined through {{r}} itself:[1][2][3][4][5][6][NB 1][NB 2]

{{r|g=NB|NtName|r=Note text.}}
{{r|g=NB|NtCam|r=Cam note text.}}

{{r|RefName|r=Reference text.}}
{{r|Bam|r=Bam reference text.}}
{{r|Bar|r=Bar reference text.}}
{{r|Bas|r=Bas reference text.}}
{{r|Bay|r=Bay reference text.}}
{{r|Baz|r=Baz reference text.}}

Resulting in:

  1. Note text.
  2. Cam note text.
  1. Reference text.
  2. Bam reference text.
  3. Bar reference text.
  4. Bas reference text.
  5. Bay reference text.
  6. Baz reference text.

R-style shortened references

The {{r}}-style annotation system can be used to create sub-references (as shortened citations) with back- or crosslinks grouped under their corresponding full citation. There are many possible variants, some illustrated below:

Example 1 (with backlinks and automatic numbering of sub-references, here also with nested citations):

Lorem ipsum{{r|n=C1|r=Citation 1}} dolor sit amet,{{r|n=C1|p=23|a=#[[#L1|^]] p. 23: Quotation from page 23. |link-id=L1}} consectetur adipisici elit,{{r|n=C2|r=Citation 2|p=92}} sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.{{r|n=C1|pp=56, 59|a=#[[#L2|^]] pp. 56, 59: Commentary on page 56 from review.{{r|n=C2|p=70}}|link-id=L2}}{{r|n=C3|r=Citation 3}}


Resulting in:

Lorem ipsum[1] dolor sit amet,[1]: 23  consectetur adipisici elit,[2]: 92  sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.[1]: 56, 59 [3]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Citation 1
    1. ^ p. 23: Quotation from page 23.
    2. ^ pp. 56, 59: Commentary on page 56 from review.[2]: 70 
  2. 2.0 2.1 Citation 2
  3. Citation 3

Example 2 (with crosslinks, here also with nested citations):

Lorem ipsum{{r|n=C1|r=Citation 1}} dolor sit amet,{{r|n=C1|p=[[#P1|23]]|a=<br/>[[#L1B|^]] p. 23: Quotation from page 23.|id=P1|link-id=L1B}} consectetur adipisici elit,{{r|n=C2|r=Citation 2|p=92}} sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.{{r|n=C1|pp=[[#P2|56]], 59|a=<br/>[[#L2B|^]] pp. 56, 59: Commentary on page 56 from review.{{r|n=C2|p=70}}|id=P2|link-id=L2B}}{{r|n=C3|r=Citation 3}}


Lorem ipsum[1] dolor sit amet,[1]: 23 consectetur adipisici elit,[2]: 92  sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.[1]: 56, 59 [3]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Citation 1
    ^ p. 23: Quotation from page 23.

    ^ pp. 56, 59: Commentary on page 56 from review.[2]: 70 
  2. 2.0 2.1 Citation 2
  3. Citation 3

Example 3 (with crosslinks and locally embedded inline quotations for tooltips, here also with nested citations):

Lorem ipsum{{r|n=C1|r=Citation 1}} dolor sit amet,{{r|n=C1|p=[[#P1C|23]]|qp=p|q=Quotation from page 23.|a=q|leadin=<br/>[[#L1C|^]] p.&nbsp;|id=P1C|link-id=L1C}} consectetur adipisici elit,{{r|n=C2|r=Citation 2|p=92}} sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.{{r|n=C1|pp=[[#P2C|56]], 59|qpp=pp|q=Commentary on page 56 from review.{{r|n=C2|p=70}}|a=q|leadin=<br/>[[#L2C|^]] pp.&nbsp;|id=P2C|link-id=L2C}}{{r|n=C3|r=Citation 3}}


Lorem ipsum[1] dolor sit amet,[1]: 23 consectetur adipisici elit,[2]: 92  sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.[1]: 56, 59[3]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Citation 1 ‌
    ^ p. 23: 模板:Trim quotes
    ^ pp. 56, 59: 模板:Trim quotes
  2. 2.0 2.1 Citation 2
  3. Citation 3


Where multiple citations occur in series, {{r}} prevents line breaks between the citations. In this case, |wrap=yes can be used to allow a line break. Alternatively, if line breaks should be allowed also inside a long page / location information, |wrap=forced can be used instead (however, if this actually results in line breaks also depends on the browser, CSS and the skin selected).


Per MOS:DASH, page ranges should normally be declared with an ndash ({{r|name=RefName|pages=27&ndash;29}}[1]: 27–29 ) rather than a hyphen. Tools like WP:AWB will automatically convert hyphens to dashes in such instances. For the plural page parameters |pages=, |pp= and |quote-pages= and aliases, {{r}} will automatically translate hyphens into ndashes for display purposes. (This does not apply to the singular and other in-source-location parameters |page=, |p=, |at=, |loc=, |quote-page= and aliases.) If the hyphen is actually desired for whatever reason, the "accept-this-as-written-markup" (which is also supported by {{rp}} and {{ran}}, the family of {{sfn}}- and {{harv}}-style templates, and all CS1/CS2 citation templates) can be used to indicate this ({{r|name=RefName|pages=((27-29)), 41}}[1]: 27–29, 41 ).

Known issues

Editing features

Because of a technical limitation, some of the standard Wikipedia markup elements that are often used in the article prose do not work within a set of <ref>...</ref> tags, including but not limited to the pipe trick, template substitution and another "nested" set of <ref>...</ref> tags. For example, the following does not work as expected:

  1. <ref>[[Help:Footnotes|模板:Nothing]]</ref> (Generates: [[Help:Footnotes|模板:Nothing]]> instead of a wikilink)
  2. <ref>{{SUBST:TODAY}}</ref> (Generates: {{SUBST:TODAY}} instead of the date that the edit was made)
  3. <ref>Explanatory footnote<ref>Citation</ref></ref> (Generates: Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page). </ref>)

Replacing the outermost <ref>...</ref> set with {{r|<r=...>}} (or {{r|<a=...>}} allows for the use of the markup elements listed above.


Issues in this template make it incompatible with the {{excerpt}} template. {{r}} should not be used in sections that will be transcluded by {{excerpt}}.


This is the TemplateData for this template used by TemplateWizard, VisualEditor and other tools. See a monthly parameter usage report for Template:R in articles based on its TemplateData.

TemplateData for R

Provides a simple wrapper for up to nine consecutive <ref name=RefName/> citation tags that minimizes visual impact on the text which, along with the simpler syntax, increases code readability and ease of editing.



Reference groupgroupgrpg

The reference group of all the references displayed; see WP:REFGROUP for help.

Defaults to not being in a group.
Reference name 1namenname1n11

If this is "RefName", the template displays.<ref name="RefName"/>

Page number: reference 1pageppage1p11p

Adds a page number within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead, so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if singular page is given.

Pages numbers: reference 1pagespppages1pp11pp

Adds page numbers within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead, so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if plural pages are given.

In-source location: reference 1locationlocation1locloc11locatat1

Adds other location identifier within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead, so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if location information different from singular or plural page info is given.

"inside cover"
Page needed: Reason 1needed-reasonneededreasonneeded-reason1needed1

Only required if page/location info is missing.

Defaults to no page/location info missing.
Actual reason, yes, y
Quote: reference 1quoteqquote1q1

A quote from the source. Appears when hovering over the page number, so the page number must be specified.

Quote page: reference 1quote-pageqpquote-page1qp1

A quote page from the source. Optionally appears in front of the quote when hovering over the page number. Special token p to use page1. Choose parameter only if singular page is given.

Quote pages: reference 1quote-pagesqppquote-pages1qpp1

A quote pages from the source. Optionally appears in front of the quote when hovering over the page numbers. Special token pp to use pages1. Choose parameter only if plural pages are given.

Quote in-source location: reference 1quote-locationquote-location1quote-locquote-loc1quote-atquote-at1

Adds other quote location identifier within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead, so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if location information different from singular or plural quote page info is given.

"inside cover"
Quote language: reference 1languagelanguage1langlang1ll1quote-languagequote-langqlquote-language1quote-lang1ql1

A language code or name defining the language of the quote (if not English).

Quote translation: reference 1translationtranslation1transtrans1tt1trans-quotetrans-quote1tqtq1xlatxlat1

An optional English translation of a non-English quote.

Reference definition 1referencerreferencesnotesnotecontenttextrefnrefsreference1refn1r1

Adds the definition of a citation. This can be used inline or in list-defined reference sections. Can be defined as raw text or through other citation templates like CS1/CS2. Can be nested.

Harold Smith (2020). ''Proper Referencing''. Atlanta Press. p. 201.
Reference annotation 1annotationannotaannotation1annot1a1

Adds extra text to the end of a reference defined elsewhere, including backlinks to the reference invocation. Can be used to collect various commentary to be displayed with the citation. Can also be used to define another citation if multiple citations should reside under the same entry. Can be defined as raw text or through other citation templates like CS1/CS2. Can be nested. Special token p to use page1 and q to use quote1.

Note 1
Direction: Reference 1directiondirdirection1dir1

Override default left-to-right or right-to-left behaviour. (Requires special CSS support for classes mw-cite-dir-rtl and mw-cite-dir-ltr.)

ltr, rtl
Section: Reference 1sectionsecssection1sec1s1

Shows a tooltip indicating corresponding context section in an article, if defined. Multiple sections of the same name and overlapping sections are allowed.

If yes is given, the section name is derived from the given group, name and page info automatically.
ContextSection1, yes, y
Content anchor: reference 1idid1refref11ref

Optional anchor name of a reference or annotation (including page numbers or quotes) in order to link to it. This is used for the id attribute of the corresponding span framing the content object and must be unique on the page.

Link anchor: reference 1link-idlink-id1

Optional link anchor name of a reference link in order to (back)link to the reference link. This is used for the id attribute of the link span and must be unique on the page.

Quote origin: reference 1quote-citeqcquote-cite1qc1

Anchor name (only the URL fragment) of a reference the quote belongs to, if defined on the same page. This is used for the cite attribute of the quote and establishes a semantic connection to its source.

Reference name 2name2n22

If this is "RefName", the template displays.<ref name="RefName"/>

Page number: reference 2page2p22p

Adds a page number within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if singular page info is given.

Pages numbers: reference 2pages2pp22pp

Adds page numbers within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if plural page info is given.

In-source-location: reference 2location2loc22locat2

Adds other location identifier within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if location info is given.

"inside cover"
Page needed: Reason 2needed-reason2needed2

Only required if page/location info is missing.

Defaults to no page/location info missing.
Actual reason, yes, y
Quote: reference 2quote2q2

A quote from the source. Appears when hovering over the page number, so the page number must be specified.

Quote page: reference 2quote-page2qp2

A quote page from the source. Optionally appears in front of the quote when hovering over the page number. Special token p to use page2. Choose parameter only if singular page is given.

Quote pages: reference 2quote-pages2qpp2

A quote pages from the source. Optionally appears in front of the quote when hovering over the page numbers. Special token pp to use pages2. Choose parameter only if plural pages are given.

Quote in-source location: reference 2quote-location2quote-loc2quote-at2

Adds other quote location identifier within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead, so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if location information different from singular or plural quote page info is given.

"inside cover"
Quote language: reference 2language2lang2l2quote-language2quote-lang2ql2

A language code or name defining the language of the quote (if not English).

Quote translation: reference 2translation2trans2t2trans-quote2tq2xlat2

An optional English translation of a non-English quote.

Reference definition 2reference2refn2r2

Adds the definition of a citation. This can be used inline or in list-defined reference sections. Can be defined as raw text or through other citation templates like CS1/CS2. Can be nested.

Harold Smith (2020). ''Proper Referencing''. Atlanta Press. p. 201.
Reference annotation 2annotation2annot2a2

Adds extra text to the end of a reference defined elsewhere, including backlinks to the reference invocation. Can be used to collect various commentary to be displayed with the citation. Can also be used to define another citation if multiple citations should reside under the same entry. Can be defined as raw text or through other citation templates like CS1/CS2. Can be nested. Special token p to use page2 and q to use quote2.

Note 2
Direction: Reference 2direction2dir2

Override default left-to-right or right-to-left behaviour. (Requires special CSS support for classes mw-cite-dir-rtl and mw-cite-dir-ltr.)

ltr, rtl
Section: Reference 2section2sec2s2

Shows a tooltip indicating corresponding context section in an article, if defined. Multiple sections of the same name and overlapping sections are allowed.

If yes is given, the section name is derived from the given group, name and page info automatically.
ContextSection2, yes, y
Content anchor: reference 2id2ref22ref

Optional anchor name of a reference or annotation (including page numbers or quotes) in order to link to it. This is used for the id attribute of the corresponding span framing the content object and must be unique on the page.

Link anchor: reference 2link-id2

Optional link anchor name of a reference link in order to (back)link to the reference link. This is used for the id attribute of the link span and must be unique on the page.

Quote origin: reference 2quote-cite2qc2

Anchor name (only the URL fragment) of a reference the quote belongs to, if defined on the same page. This is used for the cite attribute of the quote and establishes a semantic connection to its source.

Reference name 3name3n33

If this is "RefName", the template displays.<ref name="RefName"/>

Page number: reference 3page3p33p

Adds a page number within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if singular page info is given.

Pages numbers: reference 3pages3pp33pp

Adds page numbers within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if plural page info is given.

In-source-location: reference 3location3loc33locat3

Adds other location identifier within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if location info is given.

"inside cover"
Page needed: Reason 3needed-reason3needed3

Only required if page/location info is missing.

Defaults to no page/location info missing.
Actual reason, yes, y
Quote: reference 3quote3q3

A quote from the source. Appears when hovering over the page number, so the page number must be specified.

Quote page: reference 3quote-page3qp3

A quote page from the source. Optionally appears in front of the quote when hovering over the page number. Special token p to use page3. Choose parameter only if singular page is given.

Quote pages: reference 3quote-pages3qpp3

A quote pages from the source. Optionally appears in front of the quote when hovering over the page numbers. Special token pp to use pages3. Choose parameter only if plural pages are given.

Quote in-source location: reference 3quote-location3quote-loc3quote-at3

Adds other quote location identifier within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead, so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if location information different from singular or plural quote page info is given.

"inside cover"
Quote language: reference 3language3lang3l3quote-language3quote-lang3ql3

A language code or name defining the language of the quote (if not English).

Quote translation: reference 3translation3trans3t3trans-quote3tq3xlat3

An optional English translation of a non-English quote.

Reference definition 3reference3refn3r3

Adds the definition of a citation. This can be used inline or in list-defined reference sections. Can be defined as raw text or through other citation templates like CS1/CS2. Can be nested.

Harold Smith (2020). ''Proper Referencing''. Atlanta Press. p. 201.
Reference annotation 3annotation3annot3a3

Adds extra text to the end of a reference defined elsewhere, including backlinks to the reference invocation. Can be used to collect various commentary to be displayed with the citation. Can also be used to define another citation if multiple citations should reside under the same entry. Can be defined as raw text or through other citation templates like CS1/CS2. Can be nested. Special token p to use page3 and q to use quote3.

Note 3
Direction: Reference 3direction3dir3

Override default left-to-right or right-to-left behaviour. (Requires special CSS support for classes mw-cite-dir-rtl and mw-cite-dir-ltr.)

ltr, rtl
Section: Reference 3section3sec3s3

Shows a tooltip indicating corresponding context section in an article, if defined. Multiple sections of the same name and overlapping sections are allowed.

If yes is given, the section name is derived from the given group, name and page info automatically.
ContextSection3, yes, y
Content anchor: reference 3id3ref33ref

Optional anchor name of a reference or annotation (including page numbers or quotes) in order to link to it. This is used for the id attribute of the corresponding span framing the content object and must be unique on the page.

Link anchor: reference 3link-id3

Optional link anchor name of a reference link in order to (back)link to the reference link. This is used for the id attribute of the link span and must be unique on the page.

Quote origin: reference 3quote-cite3qc3

Anchor name (only the URL fragment) of a reference the quote belongs to, if defined on the same page. This is used for the cite attribute of the quote and establishes a semantic connection to its source.

Reference name 4name4n44

If this is "RefName", the template displays.<ref name="RefName"/>

Page number: reference 4page4p44p

Adds a page number within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if singular page info is given.

Pages numbers: reference 4pages4pp44pp

Adds page numbers within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if plural page info is given.

In-source-location: reference 4location4loc44locat4

Adds other location identifier within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if location info is given.

"inside cover"
Page needed: Reason 4needed-reason4needed4

Only required if page/location info is missing.

Defaults to no page/location info missing.
Actual reason, yes, y
Quote: reference 4quote4q4

A quote from the source. Appears when hovering over the page number, so the page number must be specified.

Quote page: reference 4quote-page4qp4

A quote page from the source. Optionally appears in front of the quote when hovering over the page number. Special token p to use page4. Choose parameter only if singular page is given.

Quote pages: reference 4quote-pages4qpp4

A quote pages from the source. Optionally appears in front of the quote when hovering over the page numbers. Special token pp to use pages4. Choose parameter only if plural pages are given.

Quote in-source location: reference 4quote-location4quote-loc4quote-at4

Adds other quote location identifier within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead, so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if location information different from singular or plural quote page info is given.

"inside cover"
Quote language: reference 4language4lang4l4quote-language4quote-lang4ql4

A language code or name defining the language of the quote (if not English).

Quote translation: reference 4translation4trans4t4trans-quote4tq4xlat4

An optional English translation of a non-English quote.

Reference definition 4reference4refn4r4

Adds the definition of a citation. This can be used inline or in list-defined reference sections. Can be defined as raw text or through other citation templates like CS1/CS2. Can be nested.

Harold Smith (2020). ''Proper Referencing''. Atlanta Press. p. 201.
Reference annotation 4annotation4annot4a4

Adds extra text to the end of a reference defined elsewhere, including backlinks to the reference invocation. Can be used to collect various commentary to be displayed with the citation. Can also be used to define another citation if multiple citations should reside under the same entry. Can be defined as raw text or through other citation templates like CS1/CS2. Can be nested. Special token p to use page4 and q to use quote4.

Note 4
Direction: Reference 4direction4dir4

Override default left-to-right or right-to-left behaviour. (Requires special CSS support for classes mw-cite-dir-rtl and mw-cite-dir-ltr.)

ltr, rtl
Section: Reference 4section4sec4s4

Shows a tooltip indicating corresponding context section in an article, if defined. Multiple sections of the same name and overlapping sections are allowed.

If yes is given, the section name is derived from the given group, name and page info automatically.
ContextSection4, yes, y
Content anchor: reference 4id4ref44ref

Optional anchor name of a reference or annotation (including page numbers or quotes) in order to link to it. This is used for the id attribute of the corresponding span framing the content object and must be unique on the page.

Link anchor: reference 4link-id4

Optional link anchor name of a reference link in order to (back)link to the reference link. This is used for the id attribute of the link span and must be unique on the page.

Quote origin: reference 4quote-cite4qc4

Anchor name (only the URL fragment) of a reference the quote belongs to, if defined on the same page. This is used for the cite attribute of the quote and establishes a semantic connection to its source.

Reference name 5name5n55

If this is "RefName", the template displays.<ref name="RefName"/>

Page number: reference 5page5p55p

Adds a page number within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if singular page info is given.

Pages numbers: reference 5pages5pp55pp

Adds page numbers within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if plural page info is given.

In-source-location: reference 5location5loc55locat5

Adds other location identifier within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if location info is given.

"inside cover"
Page needed: Reason 5needed-reason5needed5

Only required if page/location info is missing.

Defaults to no page/location info missing.
Actual reason, yes, y
Quote: reference 5quote5q5

A quote from the source. Appears when hovering over the page number, so the page number must be specified.

Quote page: reference 5quote-page5qp5

A quote page from the source. Optionally appears in front of the quote when hovering over the page number. Special token p to use page5. Choose parameter only if singular page is given.

Quote pages: reference 5quote-pages5qpp5

A quote pages from the source. Optionally appears in front of the quote when hovering over the page numbers. Special token pp to use pages5. Choose parameter only if plural pages are given.

Quote in-source location: reference 5quote-location5quote-loc5quote-at5

Adds other quote location identifier within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead, so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if location information different from singular or plural quote page info is given.

"inside cover"
Quote language: reference 5language5lang5l5quote-language5quote-lang5ql5

A language code or name defining the language of the quote (if not English).

Quote translation: reference 5translation5trans5t5trans-quote5tq5xlat5

An optional English translation of a non-English quote.

Reference definition 5reference5refn5r5

Adds the definition of a citation. This can be used inline or in list-defined reference sections. Can be defined as raw text or through other citation templates like CS1/CS2. Can be nested.

Harold Smith (2020). ''Proper Referencing''. Atlanta Press. p. 201.
Reference annotation 5annotation5annot5a5

Adds extra text to the end of a reference defined elsewhere, including backlinks to the reference invocation. Can be used to collect various commentary to be displayed with the citation. Can also be used to define another citation if multiple citations should reside under the same entry. Can be defined as raw text or through other citation templates like CS1/CS2. Can be nested. Special token p to use page5 and q to use quote5.

Note 5
Direction: Reference 5direction5dir5

Override default left-to-right or right-to-left behaviour. (Requires special CSS support for classes mw-cite-dir-rtl and mw-cite-dir-ltr.)

ltr, rtl
Section: Reference 5section5sec5s5

Shows a tooltip indicating corresponding context section in an article, if defined. Multiple sections of the same name and overlapping sections are allowed.

If yes is given, the section name is derived from the given group, name and page info automatically.
ContextSection5, yes, y
Content anchor: reference 5id5ref55ref

Optional anchor name of a reference or annotation (including page numbers or quotes) in order to link to it. This is used for the id attribute of the corresponding span framing the content object and must be unique on the page.

Link anchor: reference 5link-id5

Optional link anchor name of a reference link in order to (back)link to the reference link. This is used for the id attribute of the link span and must be unique on the page.

Quote origin: reference 5quote-cite5qc5

Anchor name (only the URL fragment) of a reference the quote belongs to, if defined on the same page. This is used for the cite attribute of the quote and establishes a semantic connection to its source.

Reference name 6name6n66

If this is "RefName", the template displays.<ref name="RefName"/>

Page number: reference 6page6p66p

Adds a page number within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if singular page info is given.

Pages numbers: reference 6pages6pp66pp

Adds page numbers within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if plural page info is given.

In-source-location: reference 6location6loc66locat6

Adds other location identifier within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if location info is given.

"inside cover"
Page needed: Reason 6needed-reason6needed6

Only required if page/location info is missing.

Defaults to no page/location info missing.
Actual reason, yes, y
Quote: reference 6quote6q6

A quote from the source. Appears when hovering over the page number, so the page number must be specified.

Quote page: reference 6quote-page6qp6

A quote page from the source. Optionally appears in front of the quote when hovering over the page number. Special token p to use page6. Choose parameter only if singular page is given.

Quote pages: reference 6quote-pages6qpp6

A quote pages from the source. Optionally appears in front of the quote when hovering over the page numbers. Special token pp to use pages6. Choose parameter only if plural pages are given.

Quote in-source location: reference 6quote-location6quote-loc6quote-at6

Adds other quote location identifier within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead, so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if location information different from singular or plural quote page info is given.

"inside cover"
Quote language: reference 6language6lang6l6quote-language6quote-lang6ql6

A language code or name defining the language of the quote (if not English).

Quote translation: reference 6translation6trans6t6trans-quote6tq6xlat6

An optional English translation of a non-English quote.

Reference definition 6reference6refn6r6

Adds the definition of a citation. This can be used inline or in list-defined reference sections. Can be defined as raw text or through other citation templates like CS1/CS2. Can be nested.

Harold Smith (2020). ''Proper Referencing''. Atlanta Press. p. 201.
Reference annotation 6annotation6annot6a6

Adds extra text to the end of a reference defined elsewhere, including backlinks to the reference invocation. Can be used to collect various commentary to be displayed with the citation. Can also be used to define another citation if multiple citations should reside under the same entry. Can be defined as raw text or through other citation templates like CS1/CS2. Can be nested. Special token p to use page6 and q to use quote6.

Note 6
Direction: Reference 6direction6dir6

Override default left-to-right or right-to-left behaviour. (Requires special CSS support for classes mw-cite-dir-rtl and mw-cite-dir-ltr.)

ltr, rtl
Section: Reference 6section6sec6s6

Shows a tooltip indicating corresponding context section in an article, if defined. Multiple sections of the same name and overlapping sections are allowed.

If yes is given, the section name is derived from the given group, name and page info automatically.
ContextSection6, yes, y
Content anchor: reference 6id6ref66ref

Optional anchor name of a reference or annotation (including page numbers or quotes) in order to link to it. This is used for the id attribute of the corresponding span framing the content object and must be unique on the page.

Link anchor: reference 6link-id6

Optional link anchor name of a reference link in order to (back)link to the reference link. This is used for the id attribute of the link span and must be unique on the page.

Quote origin: reference 6quote-cite6qc6

Anchor name (only the URL fragment) of a reference the quote belongs to, if defined on the same page. This is used for the cite attribute of the quote and establishes a semantic connection to its source.

Reference name 7name7n77

If this is "RefName", the template displays.<ref name="RefName"/>

Page number: reference 7page7p77p

Adds a page number within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if singular page info is given.

Pages numbers: reference 7pages7pp77pp

Adds page numbers within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if plural page info is given.

In-source-location: reference 7location7loc77locat7

Adds other location identifier within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if location info is given.

"inside cover"
Page needed: Reason 7needed-reason7needed7

Only required if page/location info is missing.

Defaults to no page/location info missing.
Actual reason, yes, y
Quote: reference 7quote7q7

A quote from the source. Appears when hovering over the page number, so the page number must be specified.

Quote page: reference 7quote-page7qp7

A quote page from the source. Optionally appears in front of the quote when hovering over the page number. Special token p to use page7. Choose parameter only if singular page is given.

Quote pages: reference 7quote-pages7qpp7

A quote pages from the source. Optionally appears in front of the quote when hovering over the page numbers. Special token pp to use pages7. Choose parameter only if plural pages are given.

Quote in-source location: reference 7quote-location7quote-loc7quote-at7

Adds other quote location identifier within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead, so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if location information different from singular or plural quote page info is given.

"inside cover"
Quote language: reference 7language7lang7l7quote-language7quote-lang7ql7

A language code or name defining the language of the quote (if not English).

Quote translation: reference 7translation7trans7t7trans-quote7tq7xlat7

An optional English translation of a non-English quote.

Reference definition 7reference7refn7r7

Adds the definition of a citation. This can be used inline or in list-defined reference sections. Can be defined as raw text or through other citation templates like CS1/CS2. Can be nested.

Harold Smith (2020). ''Proper Referencing''. Atlanta Press. p. 201.
Reference annotation 7annotation7annot7a7

Adds extra text to the end of a reference defined elsewhere, including backlinks to the reference invocation. Can be used to collect various commentary to be displayed with the citation. Can also be used to define another citation if multiple citations should reside under the same entry. Can be defined as raw text or through other citation templates like CS1/CS2. Can be nested. Special token p to use page7 and q to use quote7.

Note 7
Direction: Reference 7direction7dir7

Override default left-to-right or right-to-left behaviour. (Requires special CSS support for classes mw-cite-dir-rtl and mw-cite-dir-ltr.)

ltr, rtl
Section: Reference 7section7sec7s7

Shows a tooltip indicating corresponding context section in an article, if defined. Multiple sections of the same name and overlapping sections are allowed.

If yes is given, the section name is derived from the given group, name and page info automatically.
ContextSection7, yes, y
Content anchor: reference 7id7ref77ref

Optional anchor name of a reference or annotation (including page numbers or quotes) in order to link to it. This is used for the id attribute of the corresponding span framing the content object and must be unique on the page.

Link anchor: reference 7link-id7

Optional link anchor name of a reference link in order to (back)link to the reference link. This is used for the id attribute of the link span and must be unique on the page.

Quote origin: reference 7quote-cite7qc7

Anchor name (only the URL fragment) of a reference the quote belongs to, if defined on the same page. This is used for the cite attribute of the quote and establishes a semantic connection to its source.

Reference name 8name8n88

If this is "RefName", the template displays.<ref name="RefName"/>

Page number: reference 8page8p88p

Adds a page number within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if singular page info is given.

Pages numbers: reference 8pages8pp88pp

Adds page numbers within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if plural page info is given.

In-source-location: reference 8location8loc88locat8

Adds other location identifier within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if location info is given.

"inside cover"
Page needed: Reason 8needed-reason8needed8

Only required if page/location info is missing.

Defaults to no page/location info missing.
Actual reason, yes, y
Quote: reference 8quote8q8

A quote from the source. Appears when hovering over the page number, so the page number must be specified.

Quote page: reference 8quote-page8qp8

A quote page from the source. Optionally appears in front of the quote when hovering over the page number. Special token p to use page8. Choose parameter only if singular page is given.

Quote pages: reference 8quote-pages8qpp8

A quote pages from the source. Optionally appears in front of the quote when hovering over the page numbers. Special token pp to use pages8. Choose parameter only if plural pages are given.

Quote in-source location: reference 8quote-location8quote-loc8quote-at8

Adds other quote location identifier within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead, so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if location information different from singular or plural quote page info is given.

"inside cover"
Quote language: reference 8language8lang8l8quote-language8quote-lang8ql8

A language code or name defining the language of the quote (if not English).

Quote translation: reference 8translation8trans8t8trans-quote8tq8xlat8

An optional English translation of a non-English quote.

Reference definition 8reference8refn8r8

Adds the definition of a citation. This can be used inline or in list-defined reference sections. Can be defined as raw text or through other citation templates like CS1/CS2. Can be nested.

Harold Smith (2020). ''Proper Referencing''. Atlanta Press. p. 201.
Reference annotation 8annotation8annot8a8

Adds extra text to the end of a reference defined elsewhere, including backlinks to the reference invocation. Can be used to collect various commentary to be displayed with the citation. Can also be used to define another citation if multiple citations should reside under the same entry. Can be defined as raw text or through other citation templates like CS1/CS2. Can be nested. Special token p to use page8 and q to use quote8.

Note 8
Direction: Reference 8direction8dir8

Override default left-to-right or right-to-left behaviour. (Requires special CSS support for classes mw-cite-dir-rtl and mw-cite-dir-ltr.)

ltr, rtl
Section: Reference 8section8sec8s8

Shows a tooltip indicating corresponding context section in an article, if defined. Multiple sections of the same name and overlapping sections are allowed.

If yes is given, the section name is derived from the given group, name and page info automatically.
ContextSection8, yes, y
Content anchor: reference 8id8ref88ref

Optional anchor name of a reference or annotation (including page numbers or quotes) in order to link to it. This is used for the id attribute of the corresponding span framing the content object and must be unique on the page.

Link anchor: reference 8link-id8

Optional link anchor name of a reference link in order to (back)link to the reference link. This is used for the id attribute of the link span and must be unique on the page.

Quote origin: reference 8quote-cite8qc8

Anchor name (only the URL fragment) of a reference the quote belongs to, if defined on the same page. This is used for the cite attribute of the quote and establishes a semantic connection to its source.

Reference name 9name9n99

If this is "RefName", the template displays.<ref name="RefName"/>

Page number: reference 9page9p99p

Adds a page number within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if singular page info is given.

Pages numbers: reference 9pages9pp99pp

Adds page numbers within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if plural page info is given.

In-source-location: reference 9location9loc99locat9

Adds other location identifier within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if location info is given.

"inside cover"
Page needed: Reason 9needed-reason9needed9

Only required if page/location info is missing.

Defaults to no page/location info missing.
Actual reason, yes, y
Quote: reference 9quote9q9

A quote from the source. Appears when hovering over the page number, so the page number must be specified.

Quote page: reference 9quote-page9qp9

A quote page from the source. Optionally appears in front of the quote when hovering over the page number. Special token p to use page9. Choose parameter only if singular page is given.

Quote pages: reference 9quote-pages9qpp9

A quote pages from the source. Optionally appears in front of the quote when hovering over the page numbers. Special token pp to use pages9. Choose parameter only if plural pages are given.

Quote in-source location: reference 9quote-location9quote-loc9quote-at9

Adds other quote location identifier within the source. Note that you can also put this information in the original reference instead, so it need only be stated once. Choose parameter only if location information different from singular or plural quote page info is given.

"inside cover"
Quote language: reference 9language9lang9l9quote-language9quote-lang9ql9

A language code or name defining the language of the quote (if not English).

Quote translation: reference 9translation9trans9t9trans-quote9tq9xlat9

An optional English translation of a non-English quote.

Reference definition 9reference9refn9r9

Adds the definition of a citation. This can be used inline or in list-defined reference sections. Can be defined as raw text or through other citation templates like CS1/CS2. Can be nested.

Harold Smith (2020). ''Proper Referencing''. Atlanta Press. p. 201.
Reference annotation 9annotation9annot9a9

Adds extra text to the end of a reference defined elsewhere, including backlinks to the reference invocation. Can be used to collect various commentary to be displayed with the citation. Can also be used to define another citation if multiple citations should reside under the same entry. Can be defined as raw text or through other citation templates like CS1/CS2. Can be nested. Special token p to use page9 and q to use quote9.

Note 9
Direction: Reference 9direction9dir9

Override default left-to-right or right-to-left behaviour. (Requires special CSS support for classes mw-cite-dir-rtl and mw-cite-dir-ltr.)

ltr, rtl
Section: Reference 9section9sec9s9

Shows a tooltip indicating corresponding context section in an article, if defined. Multiple sections of the same name and overlapping sections are allowed.

If yes is given, the section name is derived from the given group, name and page info automatically.
ContextSection9, yes, y
Content anchor: reference 9id9ref99ref

Optional anchor name of a reference or annotation (including page numbers or quotes) in order to link to it. This is used for the id attribute of the corresponding span framing the content object and must be unique on the page.

Link anchor: reference 9link-id9

Optional link anchor name of a reference link in order to (back)link to the reference link. This is used for the id attribute of the link span and must be unique on the page.

Quote origin: reference 9quote-cite9qc9

Anchor name (only the URL fragment) of a reference the quote belongs to, if defined on the same page. This is used for the cite attribute of the quote and establishes a semantic connection to its source.

Page needed: Dateneeded-datedate

Only required if page/location info is missing.

August 2021
Leadin sequenceleadin

To define a leadin sequence prefixing the annotated text.

Postscript sequencepostscriptpspostscript1ps11pspostscript2ps22pspostscript3ps33pspostscript4ps44pspostscript5ps55pspostscript6ps66pspostscript7ps77pspostscript8ps88pspostscript9ps99ps

To define a postscript sequence appended to the reference.

Line wrapping controlno-ppnopp

Control display of p/pp prefixes (in AMA mode)

Defaults to no to keep prefixes enabled.
yes, y, no, n
Display formatstyle

Control display format (default : style or AMA format)

Defaults to : format.
AMA, Ama, ama
Line wrapping controlwrap

To enable automatic line-wrapping between multiple reference links, or to enforce an additional line-break opportunity even within superscripted page strings (may depend on skin)

Defaults to special line-wrapping disabled.
no, n, yes, y, forced, f

See also