模板:Further reading cleanup/doc

< 模板:Further reading cleanup
Zeroclanzhang讨论 | 贡献2024年1月20日 (六) 20:42的版本 (创建页面,内容为“{{Documentation subpage}} <!-- PLEASE ADD CATEGORIES AND INTERWIKIS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE --> {{Template shortcut|Bookfarm}} ==When to use == Add this to the top of the "Further reading" section whenever: * There are too many publications listed for this article. (Most editors object to more than about half a dozen publications, but the best number for a given article depends on the specific circumstances, and may range from zero to more than a dozen.) *…”)
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When to use

Add this to the top of the "Further reading" section whenever:

  • There are too many publications listed for this article. (Most editors object to more than about half a dozen publications, but the best number for a given article depends on the specific circumstances, and may range from zero to more than a dozen.)
  • One or more of the publications in the list duplicates a citation in the references or notes sections.
  • One or more of the publications present (regardless of number) is inappropriate for any reason.

Please consider "weeding the book farm" yourself, rather than using this tag to ask someone else to do it. Don't forget to remove this template when the concerns appear to have been resolved.


{{Further reading cleanup|<date=3月 2025>}}

This template will categorize tagged articles into Category:Wikipedia further reading cleanup and Category:Wikipedia spam cleanup. See Special:Recentchangeslinked/Category:Wikipedia spam cleanup to see recent edits to tagged articles.


See also

模板:Trivia templates see-also


This is the TemplateData for this template used by TemplateWizard, VisualEditor and other tools. See a monthly parameter usage report for Template:Further reading cleanup in articles based on its TemplateData.

TemplateData for Further reading cleanup

The template is used on "Further reading" sections with inappropriate or excessive suggestions.


Month and yeardate

Provides the month and year of the citation request; e.g., 'January 2013', but not 'jan13'
