
Zeroclanzhang讨论 | 贡献2023年8月3日 (四) 11:50的版本
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/* 这里的任何CSS将为使用Citizen皮肤的用户加载 */首页 H1.firstHeading {
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}首页 #siteSub {
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.tab-iconalgorithm {
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    padding-left: 25px; /* Adjust this value based on the size of your icon */
    background-size: 20px; /* Adjust this value based on the size of your icon */
.tab-iconplot {
    background: url(/images/plot.svg) no-repeat left center;
    padding-left: 25px; /* Adjust this value based on the size of your icon */
    background-size: 20px; /* Adjust this value based on the size of your icon */
.tab-icontable {
    background: url(/images/table.svg) no-repeat left center;
    padding-left: 25px; /* Adjust this value based on the size of your icon */
    background-size: 20px; /* Adjust this value based on the size of your icon */
.tab-iconauto {
    background: url(/images/auto.svg) no-repeat left center;
    padding-left: 25px; /* Adjust this value based on the size of your icon */
    background-size: 20px; /* Adjust this value based on the size of your icon */