模板:Redirect distinguish/doc:修订历史



2024年1月23日 (星期二)

  • 当前之前 15:412024年1月23日 (二) 15:41Zeroclanzhang 讨论 贡献 2,217字节 +2,217 创建页面,内容为“{{Documentation subpage}} {{High-use}} {{Template shortcut|redir-dist}} <!-- PLEASE ADD CATEGORIES AND INTERWIKIS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE --> {{Lua|Module:Redirect-distinguish}} This hatnote is generally used when an article's title has an ambiguity that is not necessarily literal, but one that would likely happen with enough readers to warrant a hatnote. Be careful to avoid trivial uses. * {{tlx|Redirect-distinguish|REDIR…”