local z = {
error_cats_t = {}; -- for categorizing citations that contain errors
error_ids_t = {}; -- list of error identifiers; used to prevent duplication of certain errors; local to this module
error_msgs_t = {}; -- sequence table of error messages
maint_cats_t = {}; -- for categorizing citations that aren't erroneous per se, but could use a little work
prop_cats_t = {}; -- for categorizing citations based on certain properties, language of source for instance
prop_keys_t = {}; -- for adding classes to the citation's <cite> tag
--[[--------------------------< F O R W A R D D E C L A R A T I O N S >--------------------------------------
local cfg; -- table of tables imported from selected Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration
--[[--------------------------< I S _ S E T >------------------------------------------------------------------
Returns true if argument is set; false otherwise. Argument is 'set' when it exists (not nil) or when it is not an empty string.