local lang_obj = mw.language.getContentLanguage(); -- make a language object for the local language; used here for languages and dates
--[[--------------------------< S E T T I N G S >--------------------------------------------------------------
boolean settings used to control various things. these setting located here to make them easy to find
-- these settings local to this module only
local local_digits_from_mediawiki = false; -- for i18n; when true, module fills date_names['local_digits'] from MediaWiki; manual fill required else; always false at en.wiki
local local_date_names_from_mediawiki = false; -- for i18n; when true, module fills date_names['local']['long'] and date_names['local']['short'] from MediaWiki;
-- manual translation required else; ; always false at en.wiki
-- these settings exported to other modules
local use_identifier_redirects = true; -- when true use redirect name for identifier label links; always true at en.wiki
local local_lang_cat_enable = false; -- when true categorizes pages where |language=<local wiki's language>; always false at en.wiki
local date_name_auto_xlate_enable = false; -- when true translates English month-names to the local-wiki's language month names; always false at en.wiki
local date_digit_auto_xlate_enable = false; -- when true translates Western date digit to the local-wiki's language digits (date_names['local_digits']); always false at en.wiki
local enable_sort_keys = true; -- when true module adds namespace sort keys to error and maintenance category links