模板:Multiple image/doc:修订历史



2024年1月20日 (星期六)

  • 当前之前 02:592024年1月20日 (六) 02:59Zeroclanzhang 讨论 贡献 31,456字节 +31,456 创建页面,内容为“{{Documentation subpage}} {{tsh|mim}} <!-- PLEASE ADD CATEGORIES WHERE INDICATED AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE --> {{High-use|demo={{ROOTPAGENAME}}}} {{Warning|1=Before making a gallery, please read over the '''image use policy for galleries'''. Generally, a gallery '''should not be added''' so long as there is space for images to be effectively presented adjacent to text. }} {{Lua|Module:Multiple image}} {{Uses TemplateStyles|Template:Multiple image/sty…”