模板:Date missing/doc:修订历史



2024年1月23日 (星期二)

  • 当前之前 00:462024年1月23日 (二) 00:46Zeroclanzhang 讨论 贡献 7,303字节 +7,303 创建页面,内容为“{{documentation subpage}} <!-- PLEASE ADD CATEGORIES AND INTERWIKIS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE --> {{self ref|This template is an in-line request '''for the date that a source was published'''. For the '''date an event occurred''' use {{tl|when}}.}} {{Nosubst}} {{notice |text=It should only be placed in citation templates that are missing a date but should have one because the source cited is not properly identified without it. For example, most books and non-…”